Overcoming Barriers In Life And Employment

Get help and support with stuff that might be holding you back.

Mental Health


Your wellbeing is important. Learn how you can take steps to take care of yourself and get help if you need it.


Everything in life works better when we are included and not treated differently because of things we can’t control, like our background.


Disabilities, SEND, autism – explore how your needs can and must be accommodated by support systems and employers.
Getting Around


See ways to work through barriers you might face due to your location or travel costs.
Internet Access


Boosting your digital skills is great, but here are ways to overcome barriers related to getting internet access.
Young Offenders


Got in with the wrong crowd? Many organisations and employers are ready to recognise your value.
Young Carers


Young carers have a lot of responsibilities. See who can help you take care of yourself and your needs, too.
Substance Abuse


Sometimes life takes us in a direction we don’t want to go. Explore support for substance abuse.
Young Parents


Explore support for studying, working or unemployed young parents in the uk.

Advice and tips on overcoming barriers in life, study and work