Marketing and Media Assistant, Lidar Scan – CV34 6UW – Apply By Contacting Your Work Coach #WMKickstartJobs

Marketing and Media Assistant to help implement our marketing strategy to achieve our goal of becoming a well-known brand.

Duties include drafting content for press releases, updating content for the website and social media pages, planning events and providing office administrative support.

You will produce content which could include video and photography.

You will also be tasked with helping to identify marketing material and to promote LiDAR online.

You will be asked to present research on future PR campaigns and undertake daily administrative tasks to ensure the functionality and co-ordination of the department’s activities.

You will also be responsible for updating the company social media accounts and present marketing data to senior management


You must be aged 16-24 and in receipt of Universal Credit to apply for these opportunities. You cannot apply for a Kickstart Placement directly with an employer. You need to be referred to these opportunities by your Work Coach. 

If you are interested in this vacancy, please contact your Job Centre Work Coach and mention the Job Title, Employer Name & Associated Postcode.

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