What makes you different, is what makes you special!

YEUK Ambassador Blessing Maregere believes to be successful we should do something we are passionate about. Let your alarm clock be your passion!


1. Start by Tapping into Your Passion:

It’s there, whether you recognise it or not.   We’re all passionate about something – even if it doesn’t strike us as job or career worthy.  Think about all of the things that get you fired up, excited, eager to act…write those things down.  Ask close others to help add to the list.  Sit with that paper for a few days.  Add notes, details, and illustrations.  Fill the page with things you love and are good at.  Those are the best clues you’re going to get.  You may need help to do this next part, but challenge yourself to translate what’s on that page into ways you might be able to channel those abilities or passions into some form of work.

2. Know that there is always an option:

When you’re passionate about something you will put everything into it. Passion brings drive and determination to never give up.   Never tell yourself you’re stuck.  You’re not. You have more options than you can even dream of.  Challenge yourself to uncover 5 new opportunities for you this week, then another five next week. See the road ahead of you as an open one to do with as you wish.   Get excited about having so many options.  That energy will help you tremendously as you set out to pursue the ones that rise to the top of your list.

3. Surround yourself with like-minded people:

Networking is the key to success. You can never be successful on your own; surround yourself with like-minded people. Find people who you share the same passion with and support each other. For you to make your passion a success it isn’t all about what you know it’s about who you know.  It is important to surround yourself with people who take their passion and work seriously, but not themselves, those who work hard and play hard.

4. Opportunity comes in many forms.  Not just jobs.

Don’t get stuck on finding a job, or starting a business for that matter.  There are lots of opportunities in between that can enable you to turn your passion into success.  I like to call this range the Complete Opportunity Spectrum.  Sure, you can get a job doing X, but what about a project, a consulting opportunity, an internship, licensing a business, becoming a franchisee, partnering up with an organization, doing some temp work.  Break away from the “get a job” mentality.  There are lots of ways to make money doing just about anything…if you’re creative enough.

5. What Makes You Different Makes You Special

You don’t necessarily need to be an expert in your area of passion.  You don’t need to have years of experience under your belt to do something with it either.  That can come.  Take whatever it is that makes you different, unique, special, interesting, quirky or uncommon and turn that into a fascinating story of why you’re pursuing your passion.   Share it with everyone you can.



Where would you like to go next?









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