Luca Refrigeri & Gabriella Aleandri: Educational Policies and Youth Unemployment

Luca Refrigeri & Gabriella Aleandri released a report into educational policies and youth unemployment. Their article is a eye-opener and a wake up call as to why and how businesses, social organisations and public individuals need to invigorate their fight against young unemployment not only internally, but at the national and international government level. Together as the Youth Employment UK Community, we have have stepped into the ring to challenge this issue.


High rates of youth unemployment in many European Union countries do not have to be attributed exclusively to the economic crisis but to imperfections in the labour market. In particular, to the mismatch between the requirements of companies and the skills offered by new entrants to the labour market, who are often poorly prepared to face the transition from full-time education to the world of work. In order to reduce youth unemployment to “natural” levels, in many European countries it is necessary to implement reforms to systems of education and training that are geared towards the world of work. It is also important to introduce scholastic and professional orientation schemes in addition to work placement programmes in every level of education.


Read the entire article here.

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