Labour Market Overview: January 2020

UK labour market statistics

Below you will find the latest labour market statistics for January, the data in this piece is taken from the ONS report.

Headlines for September To November 2019

  • employment rate was estimated at a record high of 76.3%, 0.6 percentage points higher than a year earlier and 0.5 percentage points up on the previous quarter.
  • unemployment rate was estimated at 3.8%, 0.2 percentage points lower than a year earlier but largely unchanged on the previous quarter.

Youth unemployment 16 – 24 year olds

  • The Youth Unemployment rate is 11.3%, up 0.1% from the previous quarter
  • The UK Youth Employment rate is 54.6%, up  0.1% from the previous quarter

Our view

We are still hearing from young people that they are facing many barriers to entering work, a lack of work experience, careers advice and mental health worries are just some of the growing concerns. Our Youth Employment Manifesto covers many of the big issues young people are facing, we remain committed to eradicating youth employment and working with all stakeholders to drive real change.

Discover Youth Friendly Employers

Email us at or call 01536 513388.