
The Home Office has today launched a new advertising campaign to reduce knife crime among young people.

By using real-life stories of young people who made the decision not to carry knives, the #knifefree campaign aims to highlight the consequences of carrying a knife and to inspire young people to pursue positive alternatives.

Serious Violence Strategy

The campaign forms part of the government’s forthcoming Serious Violence Strategy, which will set out action to tackle serious violence by placing new emphasis on steering young people away from crime while continuing to promote the strongest possible law enforcement approach.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd said:

The emotional stories at the heart of the new Knife Free campaign bring home in powerful fashion just what a far-reaching impact it can have on a young person’s life if they make the misguided decision to carry a knife.

I hope any young person who is seriously thinking about carrying a knife listens to what the implications can be and realises what options are available if they choose to live knife free.

Minister for Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerability Victoria Atkins said:

This powerful new campaign will highlight the tragic consequences of carrying a knife and challenge the idea that young people are safer if they carry one.

The £1.35 million campaign will use advertising on social media (Snapchat, Twitter) and digital channels (TV on demand, Spotify) to target 10 to 21 year olds who use these platforms. A poster campaign will also be displayed in English cities where knife crime is more prevalent.

Real-life stories

The adverts feature real-life case studies who have turned their lives around after deciding to go knife free. They are based on new research commissioned for the campaign which found that showing real-life stories of young people talking about their experiences with knives resonated with the target audience.

The adverts point young people to a dedicated #knifefree website which provides advice, signposts support services and highlights activities to empower young people to change their behaviour.


When developing the campaign, the Home Office worked closely with a range of charities and knife crime victims’ families to ensure their insights and expertise were reflected.

The knife crime media campaign forms part of a wide range of measures underway to tackle knife crime. In February the Home Office announced a new round of the knife crime community fund and increased the money available to charities to £1million.

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