January Ambassador Webinar

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Thank you to those of you that attended the January webinar or sent apologies, we got through quite a lot in a short space of time:

Welcome & Introductions
Goals for 2019
Review of the training
AGM to appoint the Ambassador Board
Kick off the first Ambassador Project
Any other business

Here you can download the January Presentation if you just want to get the highlights. Or you can also view the recording of the webinar so you don’t miss anything by clicking this link.

The key notes are that we have now recruited our 2019 Ambassador Board. I am delighted to ceuropean-poland-conferenceonfirm that the following Ambassadors have taken up board positions for 2019:

Patrick Cantellow (chair) (pictured), Deuvaunn Darroux (policy officer), Sam Gillion (activity officer), Harvey Morton (member), Nadia Zemori (member), George Greaves (member) I am looking forward to working with the Board.

The other key point is that we are kicking off our new  Ambassador Project which will look at How we can help employers support more young people in schools. We are looking for Ambassadors to volunteer to work on this project with us over Jan and Feb, it will only take up your 10 hours a month volunteering time and will be a great way for you to get involved supporting our work. Please get in touch for more information – ljr@youthemployment.org.uk


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