iWill Campaign – Volunteers Week Resource Pack

With Volunteers week running from 1st – 12th June, we have created a short resource pack and would like your help in rolling it out as an #iwill partner. We are particularly trying to promote the message that businesses recognise and really value the skills young (and older) people develop through social action. Part of the adult volunteers brief is to encourage young people to include their social action experience in job applications and interview. There are two sections:

  • A briefing for your employee volunteers including some key points for them to discuss with any young people they interact with when volunteering to advocate the benefits (NB this could be any form of volunteering, such as reading partner, mentor, young enterprise advisor. It isn’t just for volunteering activity that is supporting youth social action).
  • A leave behind leaflet for teachers/ youth leaders/ college staff, which reinforces the business case for youth social action and also gives a few pointers for where teachers may go to find out more.

We are asking businesses to share the resource pack with their employee volunteers and encourage them to use the pack when volunteering with young people. Print versions of resource 1 can be downloaded here and resource 2 here. If you have any questions or would like any more information, please do let me know.

Do you have any articles on volunteering that you wish to share with YEUK Community Members email them to shona@youthemployment.org.uk 

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