How to Find Work Experience Placements in College

How can you find great work experience placements while you’re at college? Check out our tips for college students in the UK.

Many college students get the opportunity to do some form of work experience as part of their course. If you have the chance to do work experience, it’s an incredibly valuable part of your education and you should take it seriously to maximise its benefits.

Work experience allows college students to enhance their CVs, improve their skills, and get a more well-rounded idea of their chosen career path. It can even open up whole new ways of thinking about work that you may never have come across before.

College work experience placements can last from a week up to 3 months or, occasionally, even longer. It all depends on your course.

You will usually be expected to organise your own work experience placement, though you can also ask your tutors and careers guidance service for help. Read on for a few helpful hints and tricks to help you find a work experience placement in college.

Check Your Course Requirements

Unlike school work experience, which tends to be more general, your college course may require a specific type of work experience in order to count towards your grade. Always check your course requirements to make sure you understand exactly what criteria your placement needs to fulfil.

If you’re not sure about anything, ask your tutor before you apply for a placement. There’s nothing more frustrating than finding a placement and then discovering it’s not suitable.

Align Your Work Experience with Your Career Aspirations

Even if you have a lot of freedom to choose your own work experience placement, you should make sure it aligns with your wider goals. This means it should connect to the course(s) you’re studying, your goals for the future (such as studying a particular subject at university), or the career path you want to work in eventually.

Work experience that isn’t connected with any of these aspirations is likely to be a waste of your time.

See What Arrangements Your College Has in Place

Does your college have any arrangements with local employers to provide work experience placements for students? If so, this is a great place to start as these employers will have been thoroughly assessed for suitability.

Your tutor or the careers advice service at your college will be able to connect you with any suitable local employers. Even if your college has an arrangement in place, you may still need to apply as there will only be a limited number of places available.

Apply to a National Company

Well known company names look great on your CV, and many large businesses offer organised work experience schemes all over the country. Find out what companies have their headquarters or a branch in your area, then look at their website (Google “company name + work experience” to find the right page).

Work experience placements with national companies are often very competitive. This means it’s important to write the best application you possibly can and get your application in well in advance of the deadline.

Look to Your Contacts

Do you know people who work in the industry you’re interested in? If so, this is the time to reach out to them for help and advice. Think about former tutors and mentors, family friends, friends-of-friends, and others in your wider network.

Just because someone works in your chosen industry or company doesn’t necessarily mean they will be able to get you a work experience placement. But you never know until you ask, so it’s always worth a try.

They might also have insider knowledge that you couldn’t get access to any other way. For example, their company may not be accepting work experience students, but they may know of others that are. Or, if you make a good impression and they remember you fondly, you might get a foot in the door for a job when you finish your course.

The old adage that “who you know matters” is really true here!

Approach Local Companies and Organisations

Is there a particular company you’d love to work for, or a local business that is particularly well regarded in your field? If so, consider approaching them and asking for work experience.

Start by calling, dropping in, or sending an email to the manager. Tell them a little about yourself and explain that you’re looking for a work experience placement as part of your college course. Explain why you want to work for that company specifically, and talk about what you can bring to the table.

If a company gives you a specific way to apply, follow those instructions to the letter. Even if you get a “no”, be polite and courteous at every stage. A first impression always counts and you never know who might remember you later.

Keep Your Options Open

It’s best to apply to several work experience placements in case you get a rejection from your first choice. It’s always better to have to choose between two or more offers than to get close to your placement dates and not have anything lined up.

Don’t forget to think outside the box, too. Traditional businesses are a great option for work experience but you might also want to consider charities, arts and culture organisations, local government, and the public sector for opportunities.

Ask for Help if You Need It

Your college’s tutors and careers advisors are there to help you. Make use of those resources and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, whether that’s deciding where to apply or choosing between two work experience offers. If you’re struggling to find a placement, ask for help in plenty of time instead of waiting until the last moment.

Good luck with your work experience placement!

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