Skills & Careers
Home education courses that help young people explore skills and careers.
Non-Curriculum Focus
Explore your strengths and cultivate creativity in a self-paced course.
Free Resources
Tailored to home-educated young people. Sign up for our Newsletter.
Start Your Course - Your Way
Register as a young person to get started with courses by yourself.
Register as a parent or carer to explore the course with your child.
Course FAQs
Parents – Watch the Video to Find out More
Stay up to date
Get the latest updates on all our free home education careers resources.
This newsletter is just for home educated young people, their guardians, and supporters! We won't spam your inbox. We'll keep you up to date with our free careers resources designed for students learning at home. We will also keep you up to date with events like roundtables and webinars where you can choose to share your lived experience and get your voice heard. If you like, you can share this newsletter with a friend.
Take the Survey
We're here to listen to YOU, the experts
As a person with lived experience of home education, you know what YOU need from a good quality careers resource. As a student, you'll know what interests you in terms of finding out more about your next steps in life after your studies. As a parent or carer, you'll know what your child might need to boost their career confidence. As a supporter, you'll know what you need to support the home education community. Take the survey and have your say to help these free resources work for YOUR needs.
The surveys cover questions surrounding post-16 choices, careers education, life and work skills, and what personalised support would be useful. All survey responses will be anonymous and they only require an email address to allow us to follow up with our resources.
We’ll be honoured to hear your insights. Please share these surveys with your home education networks, and encourage sign ups to the newsletter so that we can keep participants up to date with latest project developments such as roundtables, webinars and the completed resources.
UK Home Education Resources Around the Web
Lessons and planning resources
Home education support
Home education activities
Home Education Activities
The Science Museum offers home ed days and offers a range of visit planning support for home educators.
Educational Visits UK
Find ideas for educational trips across the country – search by area, subject, or by suitability for educational level, from pre-school to KS4.