Healing a divided Britain: the need for a comprehensive race equality strategy

This report represents the biggest ever review into race inequality in Great Britain, providing a comprehensive analysis on whether our society lives up to its promise to be fair to all its citizens.

It looks across every area of people’s lives including education, employment, housing, pay and living standards, health, criminal justice, and participation. It examines where we are making progress, where we are stalling and where we are going backwards or falling short.

Download the full report here

Find out more about the race report statistics here.

Key recommendations

  1. The UK Government develops a comprehensive, coordinated and long-term strategy to achieve race equality, with stretching new targets to improve opportunities and deliver clear and measurable outcomes. The strategy should be informed by the evidence and experiences of all ethnic groups in Britain, including key stakeholder groups.
  2. Development and delivery of the strategy is coordinated effectively within and between the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments to maximise impact.
  3. The UK Government brings responsibility for the strategy under one Secretary of State, with clear accountability and governance arrangements in place across departments to drive delivery and appropriate liaison with devolved governments.4.
  4. All governments improve the range and scope of the disaggregated ethnicity data available – including intersectional data – and ensure that ethnicity statistics and research findings inform their race equality strategies.
  5. All governments ensure effective and transparent monitoring arrangements are in place to measure progress.

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