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All organisations who want to become Members of Youth Employment UK must commit to the Good Youth Employment Standards.

There are 10 Good Youth Employment Standards. Every organisation wishing to apply for Membership to Youth Employment UK must be willing to commit themselves to recognising the importance of these Standards. We are then able to support our Members to continue to develop their practice.

We celebrate and showcase our Members with the Good Youth Employment Standards Badge, with a host of additional benefits.

Through our Membership and the growing commitments to the Good Youth Employment Standards we are collectively making a difference with every opportunity. You will find our Members wherever you see the Good Youth Employment Standards Badge.

The 10 Good Youth Employment Standards

Once you have become a Member of Good Youth Employment UK, we will support you to continue to develop your practice.

1. Engagement, support, experience and employment

Organisations are providing or will provide in the following 12 months one or more of the following opportunities for young people:

  • Early careers activities and engagement (talks in schools, careers fairs etc.)
  • Work experience (1 day to 2 week onsite placements, virtual work experience, T Level placements)
  • Employment (Apprenticeships, Graduate, Entry level roles)
  • Pre-employment support (skills training, bootcamps, supported internships, sector based work academies)
2. Inclusive opportunities

Organisations are committed to making opportunities more inclusive to young people:

  • By removing unnecessary grades and experience requirements from entry roles
  • Encouraging applications from diverse backgrounds including but not limited to:
    • Disability
    • Ethnic minorities
    • LGBTQ+
    • Mental health
    • Care leavers
    • Carers
    • Lower Socio-Economic backgrounds
3. Inclusive working environment

Organisations are committed to making their working environment more inclusive for young people.

4. Review and adapt based on young people's needs and experience

Organisations are committed to reviewing and adapting roles and responsibilities based on employees’ needs and experience.

5. Minimum+ wage

Organisations pay at least the minimum wage for all young staff under age 23.

6. Pay, benefits and rewards

Organisations are committed to regularly reviewing pay, benefits and rewards structure for all staff including those under age 23.

7. Employment contracts

Organisations always provide young staff with an Employment Contract which details hours and place of work.

8. Induction, onboarding and development

Organisations are committed  to providing clear induction, onboarding and development support which includes but is not necessarily limited to:

  • Health & safety
  • Job role and responsibilities training
  • Company policies
  • Procedure training
9. Ongoing support and L&D

Organisations are committed to providing ongoing support and development opportunities to young staff, which may include but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Formal and informal training
  • Line manager supervision
  • Feedback and regular reviews
  • Development plans
  • Mentoring
10. Youth voice

Organisations are committed to listening and to taking proactive action on feedback and insight given by young people in the organisation, and those participating in early careers and work experience activities.

Youth Employment UK Membership

As a Member of Youth Employment UK you’ll gain access to support, advice, resources and insight from the leading youth employment experts on evolving youth employment topics.

You will also be able to display the Good Youth Employment Badge on your comms, websites and recruitment posts, demonstrating to young people that you meet the Good Youth Employment Standards.

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