ESFA Business Update : September 2018

This update comes from, you can find this announcement and any updates here

1. Apprenticeship service update

A new funding projection tool

A new feature for employers on the apprenticeship service was recently released. The feature will project funds over the next four years, helping employers to plan their apprenticeship programme costs.

This feature has now been extended to allow employers to estimate costs for apprenticeships they would like to fund in the future and to see the impact on their projected account balance.

Further enhancements to the projection tool are planned for later in the autumn including:

  • inclusion of costs for approved apprentices who are waiting to start their programmes
  • estimation of funds that are likely to expire from May 2019

As this is a new feature that we are continually working to improve, we’re keen to gather employer feedback, so please use the survey on the funding projection page in your account.

Notifications in apprenticeship service accounts

Employers and training providers will now receive email notifications of tasks to be carried out for apprentices funded by a transfer of apprenticeship funds. This will help with managing transfers activity between employers sending and receiving a transfer and the training provider.

We are also making enhancements to the notifications that are visible in an employer’s apprenticeship service account.

On the home screen, employers will be able to see a list of tasks they need to complete and a link to take them to the relevant page in their account to complete the task. An additional tab will also display an activities list. This will allow employers to see the activities that have been carried out in their account and who actioned them.

Setting up an apprenticeship service account

If you are an employer who is setting up an apprenticeship service account for the first time please take a look at our support videos that will guide you through the process step by step.

These videos will be particularly useful for employers who are setting up an account because they are sending or receiving a transfer of apprenticeship service funds.

The videos include information on how to obtain your organisation’s government gateway user ID and password, which you will need before you can register for an account.

Top tip: have more than one super-user

It is recommended that employers have more than one super-user assigned to their apprenticeship service account. This allows employers to access the account when someone is absent or leaves the organisation.

Employers with queries about the apprenticeship service, please call the National Contact Centre helpline on 08000 150 600 or email

2. National Apprenticeship Awards regional finalists announced

We have announced the National Apprenticeship Awards 2018 regional finalists. Finalists from a wide range of industries and occupations are progressing to the next stage of the National Apprenticeship Awards.

The awards were open to apprentices, individuals who promote apprenticeships and employers of all sizes from all sectors. The refreshed categories for 2018 gave additional opportunities for entrants to demonstrate the impact apprenticeships has made to individual’s lives and their workplaces.

Regional ceremonies will take place across the country throughout September, where we will announce the regional winners. Regional winners will then progress to the national final held at Old Billingsgate, London, on Wednesday 28th November 2018.

3. National Apprenticeship Week 2019 date announced

The date of the 12th annual National Apprenticeship Week – to take place in 2019 – has been announced and will run from 4 to 8 March 2019. The annual week long celebration of apprenticeships will bring the whole apprenticeship community together to celebrate the impact of apprenticeships on individuals, employers and the economy.

Following the most successful National Apprenticeship Week ever that took place earlier this year, National Apprenticeship Week 2019 – which also coincides with National Careers Week – will look to involve more individuals, employers, partners and providers in activities that highlight the benefits apprenticeships bring to employers and the opportunities apprenticeships present to individuals.

More information on National Apprenticeship Week 2019 will be announced on GOV.UK and on social media channels. Follow @Apprenticeships on Twitter and National Apprenticeship Service on LinkedIn to keep up to date.

4. Community activation content – please share

Please take a few minutes to share some of the content below that is most relevant to your audiences and help support the apprenticeships movement. Please join us and share!

Sector engagement

We are keen to engage employers in shouting about how great apprenticeships are. Please share this graphic across social media channels, using the wording below:

‘We are proud of our #apprentices who are vital for the future growth of our business. Search for information on how you can hire an apprentice at #ApprenticeshipsWork’

Also this month, we will be sharing across key sector press how the new apprenticeship standards are helping the construction, engineering, health and retail sector. For the construction sector, the new standards can help address skills shortages as outlined Karen Woodward, Deputy Director of the National Apprenticeship Service, in a recent article on Construction News.

Later this month, we will also be profiling how apprenticeships are helping the retail sector in a series of activities with Retail Week and in the engineering sector with The Engineer.

Top marks on exam results

As students up and down the country picked up their exam results last month, the National Apprenticeship Service made lots of noise in the media about apprenticeships and why they work. Working with the National Careers Service, who were responsible for the exam results helpline, apprenticeships got equal mention alongside other career options post A Levels and GCSEs.

Over 130 pieces of media coverage were secured, including The Sun, Daily Mirror, Sunday Times, and key broadcasters, BBC News and BBC 5Live. On social media, working with our apprentices, we created authentic and engaging content.

We want to take this opportunity to once again thank all the employers and apprentices that worked with us on this.

You can still support us with by sharing some content. Below are 3 of our favourite pieces of media coverage and social content. You can share these via your social channels. Do tag @Apprenticeships in on your post.

  • we worked with Huffington Post in pulling together this parent focussed piece together, featuring 4 fantastic apprentices from JP Morgan, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Lloyds Banking Group and Dentons
  • watch Coca-Cola apprentice Ben talk about why an apprenticeship works for him!
  • ‘7 reasons why you should consider an apprenticeship’ – we worked with 7 different apprentices from a range of businesses, with each apprentice sharing a soundbite on why their apprenticeship was such a great choice for them

This landed in Cosmopolitan, one of the highest-read women’s sites in the UK, receiving over 4.6 million unique visitors per month.

WorldSkills UK LIVE will be held on 15 to 17 November at the NEC Birmingham. The show brings together up to 73,000 young people with business, government, education – and potentially, your organisation. Hosting and promoting a diverse range of sectors, from engineering and construction, business and IT, to hospitality and creative arts, WorldSkills UK Live is open for exhibition and sponsorship opportunities.

If you want to show your commitment to apprenticeships and vocational skills at the nation’s biggest careers event, whilst reaching tens of thousands of young people and adults aged 11 to 24, as well as teachers, parents and careers guidance professionals, then visit the WorldSkills UK website to find out more. Being part of the event can help employers to advertise the career opportunities on offer and recruit the best young talent, whilst raising the profile of your organisation and sector.

6. Vacancy snapshot update

Vacancy snapshot is revolutionising understanding around apprenticeship applications, improving applicant quality, quantity and diversity for apprenticeships programmes. It provides a concise, usable ‘snapshot’ for teachers, students and parents to be able to see upcoming apprenticeship vacancies, and includes how the application process works, what individuals can do to prepare for the recruitment process, and what working for particular employers may be like.

Employers have the opportunity to promote their organisation through the online company fact file, which also links through to ‘find an apprenticeship’ for live apprenticeship vacancies. There is no cost to employers to use the system.

Find out more by emailing:

7. Higher and degree vacancy listing

We are launching a higher and degree vacancy listing later this year, allowing employers to advertise higher and degree apprenticeship vacancies at careers events.

Working with UCAS and linking up with our recruit an apprentice website, the higher and degree vacancy listing tool will target a vast pool of high calibre candidates who are looking to start an apprenticeship.

Employers are invited to share their vacancies and highlight their brand to some of the very best potential candidates. For more information or to get involved, please email by Tuesday 18 September:

8. Our Health Heroes Awards open for entries

Nominations are open for the Our Health Heroes Awards, organised by Skills for Health and the National Skills Academy for Health, alongside headline sponsor Health Education England.

The awards recognise the contribution of healthcare workers and employers from a range of facilities across the UK. With seven categories, including Apprentice of the Year award, these awards are a celebration of the UK’s healthcare workforce.

If you know an apprentice that is doing something exceptional and a worthy award winner, then please nominate them by midnight on Sunday 16 September.

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