Diary of a YEUK apprentice


Week 1

Hello my names Rhiannon and I am the new social media apprentice for YEUK. I am 17 and started with A ‘levels after GCSE and failed them, I then moved onto a BTEC but became frustrated by the way of learning which is why I started to look at apprenticeships. I thought about it after a college tutor had suggested it and I then began to research and learn all about apprenticeships.

I started to apply for numerous job and apprenticeship positions. I signed up to apprenticeship company 3aaa to find an apprenticeship and they told me about the YEUK apprenticeship. After my first interview with 3aaa I had an interview for a position and although the interview went well I wasn’t the person they were looking for and after I went to four similar interviews. By this time I had applied for around four hundred various positions whether it was jobs, apprenticeships or internships.

I had not had any luck finding a position and that’s when Hayley from 3aaa showed me the position at YEUK and I said I was very interested and she put my information forward for the role. In the next couple of days I was scheduled an interview with them and researched the company to find out more about them.

The day of the interview I had gotten ready and prepared some questions to ask the night before and thought about possible answers that I could provide to their questions. I went to the interview and gave it my all I felt like I could connect with Laura-Jane and Bob from the advisory board who was also at the interview.

I left the interview feeling like it had gone well and later emailed my portfolio to them both, after this it was just up to luck. I got phone call three days later to say I had been offered the position, I was very happy!  I started with YEUK that same week.

In my first week I was mainly just having induction days but I really enjoy the work and I looked forward to being here.


Thanks to 3aaa for their support of YEUK which has allowed us to create our 1st apprentice post at YEUK!

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