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Careers Insight Session: Speakers for Schools – #CreateYourFuture

Explore the endless possibilities for your future with Jake Richings and Speakers for school! Apply now! No clue what job […]

Learn about careers in a law firm with Squire Patton Boggs: Speakers for Schools – #CreateYourFuture

Want to know what careers you can find in a law firm? Join this session from Squire Patton Boggs! At […]

Explore common accountancy myths with ICEAW: Speakers for Schools – #CreateYourFuture

Interested in accountancy? Explore accountancy careers and common myths with Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales! Think you […]

Learn about managing money and finance careers: Speakers for Schools – #CreateYourFuture

Want to learn more about managing your money AND careers in finance? Join this virtual insight day with Chartered Insurance […]

Explore Careers in Cycling: Speakers for Schools – #CreateYourFuture

Want to explore careers in cycling? Register for this discovery workshop from British Cycling! Cycling is unique in being more […]

Cargill Virtual Insight Day- Speakers for Schools: #CreateYourFuture

What does a career in food manufacturing look like? Join this Virtual Insight Day on 21 March 2023 to learn […]

PRIDE is setting up your own business – Speakers for Schools: #CreateYourFuture

PRIDE is setting up your own business. Join this Virtual Insight Day on 24 March 2023 with Speakers for Schools. […]

NHS Improvement Virtual Insight Day – Speakers For Schools: #CreateYourFuture

Join this Virtual Insight Day on 27 March 2023 to learn about the careers at the beating heart of the […]

University of Huddersfield Virtual Insight Day – Speakers For Schools: #CreateYourFuture

Get ‘plugged in’ to the audio industry! Join this Virtual Insight Day on 23 March 2023 with the University of […]

CAPE Coaching & Development Discovery Workshop – Speakers For Schools: #CreateYourFuture

Join this Discovery Workshop on 20 March 2023 to learn the secret to developing self-belief and how this can support […]

Met Office Discovery Workshop – Speakers For Schools: #CreateYourFuture

Beyond the Weather! Join this Discovery Workshop on 23 March 2023 to explore the range of careers at the Met […]

Naturally Empowered Health Discovery Workshop – Speakers For Schools: #CreateYourFuture

Better Belly Means Better Health – Join this Discovery Workshop with Naturally Empowered Health on 20 March 2023. Closing Date: […]