Collab Group Report – Creating Opportunity

Youth unemployment data

Collab Group Report – Creating Opportunity: The Economic Value of Collab Group Colleges

The Collab group have launched their latest report : The Economic Value of Collab Colleges. Created in partnership with Emsi the report covers the strength of Collab Group Colleges and the FE Sector as a whole.   

According to Collab “the impact of FE couldn’t be more clear, for learners and for the economy. Learners earn significantly more, almost 15% annually, over the course of their lifetimes by attending a Collab Group college.

Many of our learners stay in the UK and their enhanced skills and abilities bolster the output of local employers, leading to higher regional income and a more robust economy. Collab Group colleges create an astounding £33.2 billion in income for the UK economy every year, around 2.1% of the total economic output of the entire country in 2014-15. These are big numbers, our colleges should be commended”

You can read the full report here: CollabGroup_ExecSum_Final

About the Collab Group:

The Collab Group is a forward thinking membership organisation which represents 35 leading Colleges and College Groups who collaborate, at a local and national level, with a wide range of stakeholders in the development of sustainable professional and technical skills to enable a transformation of the productive capacity of the UK economy.

About Emsi:

Economic Modelling Specialists International (Emsi) provides employment data and economic analysis via web tools and custom reports. The company has also produced more than 1,300 comprehensive impact analy- ses for colleges and universities in the UK, US, Canada, and Australia. Founded in 2000, Emsi is located in Moscow, Idaho with branch offices in the UK, and it serves education, economic, and workforce development institutions and organisations. Visit our website at for more information.

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