
Initiative : Young Professional Challenge

Initiative forms part of your self management toolkit and is an important aspect of growing your young professional skills.  Initiative […]

Self belief resilience

Self belief – resilience

Self belief is all about building your inner confidence finding a way to feel ‘you’ve got this’ whatever comes your […]

Communication : Active Listening

Active listening is a key part of communication. Read this guide to learn about active listening and complete the quiz […]


Self Management Challenge 1: Organisation

As you know, the best part of signing up to the Young Professional is the continuous development and learning you […]


Self Belief : Challenge 1 Motivation

Self belief has a lot to do with confidence. The confidence you have in yourself, your skills and in taking […]

Team work : Challenge 1

You’ll remember from the Young Professional Quiz that team work is all about working with a group of people to […]

Problem solving Task 1

Problem Solving: Task 1

First up let’s recap some of the problem solving from your young professional test: You’ll remember that problem solving is […]

Body language

Communication Skills: Body Language

Body Language is a big part of your communication learning, we can be saying all the right things but our […]

Numeracy : Learning to become comfortable with being uncomfortable

“I can’t do Maths” Think you just can’t do maths? It just isn’t in your genes? Check out Mike Ellicock; […]

Volunteer team leader

The Skills Show : Volunteer Team Leader

The Skills Show : what is it and who is it for? Have you been to the skills show? It […]

The Big Music Project

 The Big Music Project

Funded by the National Lottery, The Big Music Project is a partnership between Global radio (the umbrella organisation for Capital […]

What are the benefits to having a mentor?

There is a growing opportunity for young people to connect to mentoring with programmes such as 1 million mentors in […]