problem solving community issues

Problem Solving Exercise: Community Spirit

At some point in life you might be involved with a community project like volunteering or a work charity day. […]

communication challenge animals people

Communication challenge: What can animals tell you about people?

Thinking about animal communication can help us communicate with people in life and work, too… by thinking about body language, […]

Being organised helps you become more independent – here’s how

We can often confuse being independent with being able to do exactly what we want without answering to anyone. Whilst […]

Confrontation in team work

Confrontation as a word can seem scary, if you are labelled as confrontational it is typically not a compliment but […]


A great way to solve problems by brainstorming solutions

Sometimes problems are a nice thing to have, like when you’re thinking of what kind of treat to give yourself! […]

How to improve your written communication skills

Does most of the writing you do involve your mobile and social media apps? Whilst it is good to know […]

How to learn from experience – turn mistakes into personal growth

For this young professional we are going to be focussing on your Self management skills. You might already know that […]

What does having courage mean?

This Young Professional Challenge is all about Courage. Courage fits into our self belief toolkit, it requires you to be […]

How to improve your problem solving skills

This Young Professional Challenge focuses on what you can do to improve your problem skills. This article will look at […]

Induction : Youth Ambassador Training

Welcome to Youth Employment UK, we are really happy that you chose us to volunteer your precious time with. This […]

Policy : Youth Ambassador Training

  Our CEO Laura-Jane talks you through policy, how the government and how you can use your voice to influence […]

Skills & Careers: Ambassador training

This webinar takes you through the skills and careers resources available on Youth Employment UK. You might it useful to […]