Fallen Into the Wrong Crowd? What to Do if Your Friends Start to do Things You Aren’t Comfortable With

Here’s some advice on what you can do if you have fallen into the wrong crowd or friends start doing […]

Ways to Think About Understanding Others and Treating Them Fairly

If you want to succeed in your career, being great at your work isn’t enough. Be someone people will enjoy […]

Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Goto Meeting, and Google Meet: What You Need to Know

Though video conferencing has been around for years, it has taken off like never before in 2020. See our handy […]

What has Working Remotely Taught us About Teamwork?

You don’t have to be in the same room as someone to work well as a team. The pandemic has […]

Ways to Communicate Remotely with Potential Employers While Job Hunting

The pandemic taught us all a lot about job hunting and communicating with potential employers remotely (online). Here’s how! Job […]

Being Confident In Your Skills: How to Recognise What You Are Good At

Want to learn how to recognise your strengths and feel more confident in them? You’ve come to the right place! […]

How to Tell Your Manager You Solved a Problem

Problem-solving is an essential workplace skill. Even if you try your best, sometimes things go wrong. It’s often nobody’s fault, […]

Getting Logical: If You Want Something, Ask Yourself Why

Have you ever paused to ask yourself why you want what you want? If you answered “no,” you’re far from […]

How Can Self-Awareness Help You Be More Organised?

Staying organised is a vital skill in almost any job or course of study. Most of us will have lots […]

Communication Skills Exercise: Take An Emotional Temperature Check

How are you feeling today? Sometimes the person it is hardest to listen to is yourself. Use this Young Professional […]

How to weigh up risks when making decisions

See exactly how think about risks when you make big or small decisions. You can weigh up how likely (and […]

Virtually (im)possible: how to network online

Networking for career opportunities is still possible, even when everything’s shifted online. Youth Ambassador Sophie shares her top virtual networking […]