LifeSkills National Careers Week 2015

LifeSkills National Careers Week 2015 YEUK will be supporting LifeSkills National Careers Week 2015, which launches on March 2nd, at […]

YEUK Response to Conservative Policy on Youth Welfare

Press Release – 17.02.2015 By Jack Welch – YEUK Young Ambassador Youth employment is firmly back on the government and […]

Young Entrepreneur, is set to launch Ethnii UK Online!

From Market Stall to marketing your brand via a Social Media to Website launch and a whole identity all in six month. […]

YEUK meets Institute for Youth Work

Last week we caught up with the Institute for Youth Work who shared with YEUK what they offer individuals and organisations […]

YEUK Young Members Video Competition

This competition is for our young members, joining YEUK is free for all young people whether you are in education, employment […]

YEUK Young Members Competition

This competition is for our young members, joining YEUK is free for all young people whether you are in education, employment […]

Cameron’s Employment Aspiration

Unemployment got back into the spotlight today as David Cameron set out his aims for “full employment” and DWP launched […]

National minimum wage: final government evidence for the 2015 Low Pay Commission report

Taken from Gov.UK The government’s evidence for the Low Pay Commission (LPC) to consider when setting the 2015 national minimum […]

AELP & The Education Training Foundation Workforce Data Collection Survey

YEUK Member AELP have put out this call to action for Training Providers and AELP members. Members/Providers Response Needed | […]

Nicky Morgan MP

Character Building – Grant Funding

Taken from Gov.UK you can read the full article and details of how to apply here Schools, colleges and organisations […]

Careers in Crisis??

Careers in Crisis? By YEUK Youth Ambassador Jack,   With only a matter of time approaching before another General Election, […]

The Digital and Technology Sector leads the change evolving Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are evolving, and the digital and technology sector is leading that change. YEUK Youth Ambassador Michael Tran, shared with us […]