BTEC Results Day 2024 Information for Students

Read our BTEC Results Day FAQs for everything you need to know when getting your results in 2024. When is […]

What are Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)?

Explore what HTQ’s are, what you can study, and how to apply…. What are Higher Technical Qualifications? Higher Technical Qualifications […]

Changing your course or degree – is it too late?

Thinking about changing or leaving your course? Here are a few things to think about while making your decision… It’s […]

Get To Grips With T Levels – ABDO Careers in Eyecare

Want to work in healthcare? Read on to find out more about healthcare T Levels and finding placements from Youth […]

Not Going To University? That’s okay! Youth Ambassadors Share Their Stories

Read the stories of these Youth Ambassadors who took a different road and chose an alternative to university… Decided university […]

Sixth Form interviews – everything you need to know

If you have applied to a Sixth Form to take A Levels or another post-16 course, you may be invited […]

Two young people discussing what they look for in an employer

How to Make New Friends in School/College

Are you starting a new school or a new class? Do you just want to make some new friends? Are […]

Thinking of dropping out of college? Here’s three options you need to consider #WestMidlands

Are you thinking about dropping out of college? If so, read this before you make any big decisions. You can […]

What is the #ProtectStudentChoice campaign?

The #ProtectStudentChoice campaign is opposed to government proposals that will change the options available for students at post-16 study. This […]

Join The Campaign To #ProtectStudentChoice

Youth Employment UK is a partner to the #ProtectStudentChoice campaign and supports the call to protect Vocational Technical Qualifications (VTQ’s), […]

How to Find Work Experience Placements in College

How can you find great work experience placements while you’re at college? Check out our tips for college students in […]

How to Find Work Experience in School

How can you find great work experience placements while you’re at school? Check out our tips for school students in […]