Zero Hours Contracts: Advice for Students

Young people are more likely to work a zero hours contract than anyone else – so what is it, and […]

Different communicators need not apply : University Admissions Review

Different communicators need not apply: Why the pre-admissions experience matters for non-hearing and non-verbal learners applying to university The Business […]

How To Save Money At University And Stretch Your Student Loan

See how to save money at university and make your student loan go further. These money saving student tips are […]

ucas uni alternatives

Advice For Starting University

When starting university, what do you need to know? Our advice covers student finance, leaving home, studies and socialising. Good […]

Mental Health Advice for College Students

Check out our top strategies to help busy college students stay on top of their mental health and emotional wellbeing. […]

Mental Health Advice for University Students

Our top mental health tips for university students will help you thrive as you work, play, and grow. Take care […]

freshers week

5 Top Freshers’ Week tips for students

Freshers’ Week starts in September. These Freshers’ Week tips will help you settle in, make friends and set yourself up […]

Starting College – 7 Things You Need To Know

Starting college is a chance to choose what and where to study – plus you’ll be treated like an adult. […]

Advice for Starting Sixth Form – Tips for Success

Ready for freedom, choice, and new experiences? Learn some of the best ways to make the most of starting Sixth […]

Getting your BTEC grades is a big deal, says Daniela. Own your achievements!

Our volunteer Youth Ambassador Daniela got her BTEC grades during the pandemic, and discusses what that means to her. I […]

Not got the grades for Uni on Results Day? These tips from ABDO #CareersInEyecare will help.

What do you do when Results Day comes around and you didn’t get the grades you wanted for your chosen […]

Applying Through Clearing – Becky’s Story

Becky found the perfect zoology degree course through Clearing, at the University of Salford. She explains that the Clearing process […]