mental health workplace

Jobs and mental health: Seek Help, Know Your Rights and Know When to Leave

Feeling the strain at work? Find out more about mental health, personal privacy in the workplace and considering the potential […]

construction careers need to know

Careers in construction… 7 things you need to know

Could construction careers be the goose that lays your golden egg? Here are 7 things you need to know… and […]

Money for life pennies to pounds app

Money for life – free savings app turns pennies into pounds

Download UK Youth’s free Pennies to Pounds savings app by 19th October 2018 for your chance to win £250. How […]

first job finance tips

First job finance – 10 tips to help you stretch your budget beyond pay day

If you’ve just landed your first job, congratulations! It may be tempting to spend all that money but you’ll feel […]

creative job hunting tips

10 Top tips for getting creative jobs

It’s a great time to get stuck into a creative career but you’ll have to apply your creative talents to […]

Money for Life Elearning videos

Take a FREE money masterclass with Money For Life Elearning videos

Money is weird. It moves around. You’ve got it, then you haven’t – and you wonder where it all went. […]

best jobs for introverts

What are the best jobs for introverts – and how can introverts at work be their best self?

Plenty of jobs are a great fit for introverts who recharge when they spend time alone. Explore some of the […]

UCAS deadlines

UCAS deadlines and key dates for 2018-19

Applying for university in 2018 or 2019? Check key dates and UCAS deadlines for 2018/19 so you don’t miss an […]

UCAS tips

UCAS Application terms explained…

Clearing? Conditional offer? If all that jargon is making your head spin, forget headache pills and reach for our dictionary […]

ucas tips choices

How to write a great UCAS personal statement – what do you REALLY need to say?

Need to write a great UCAS personal statement but not sure what to put in it? These key tips will […]

Support for 18 to 21 year olds claiming Universal Credit

This information has been taken from so please check and make sure you are looking at the most up […]

best jobs for creative people

Best jobs for creative people who want something different

What careers would suit you best if you have a creative personality? Here are 12 of the best jobs for […]