New Employment Solutions Service Launched for Coventry & Warwickshire Job Seekers | Youth Friendly West Midlands

Young job seekers in Coventry and Warwickshire can use the Employment Solutions hub for skills, training, apprenticeships, careers advice, redundancy […]

Discover tech careers with Technicians Make It Happen (TMiH) | Youth Friendly West Midlands

Want to learn more about technical education and training options to boost your tech career? You can do T-levels and […]

Get Ahead Newsletter from Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK have released their newest newsletter, choc full of youth voice read more below. This edition of the […]

Looking for Work With Asperger’s – Ella’s story

Ella talks through her experience of job hunting with Asperger’s. She says it’s worth asking employers at job interviews if […]

Connecting Futures – The new careers hub from the Midland Metro Alliance | Youth Friendly West Midlands

Connecting Futures is an exciting careers hub that shows all kinds of young people giving you a picture of their […]

Mastering Uncertainty

In this blog Youth Ambassador James shares his tips on how you can master uncertainty in these uncertain times.  In […]

10 Reasons to work for Surrey County Council from apprentices Luke and Luis

Apprentices from Youth Friendly Employer Surrey County Council Luke and Luis give their 10 reasons why they like working for Surrey […]

How could the job hunting process change after furlough? Tips from a Youth Ambassador

In what ways will young people find it tough to look for jobs once the furlough scheme ends? Youth Ambassador […]

Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Goto Meeting, and Google Meet: What You Need to Know

Though video conferencing has been around for years, it has taken off like never before in 2020. See our handy […]

What has Working Remotely Taught us About Teamwork?

You don’t have to be in the same room as someone to work well as a team. The pandemic has […]

Ways to Communicate Remotely with Potential Employers While Job Hunting

The pandemic taught us all a lot about job hunting and communicating with potential employers remotely (online). Here’s how! Job […]

Got a job interview coming up? Prepare in advance with example questions from ABDO Careers in Eyecare

Two things always come up in your job interview: do you understand what your role in the company would be, […]