Application Form Tips

Application Form Tips Today when applying for a job employers ask you to share your information in a few ways. […]

#YouthFriendlyMP Campaign 2014

#YouthFriendlyMP Campaign 2014 MP’s Should lead the way on Youth Friendly behaviour We believe that all MP’s should be championing […]

Before you make those post 16 choices

Before you make those post 16 choices Whatever choices you make post 16 here are some questions and a spot […]

6th Form

6th Form In year 11 you can choose to move on from your school to college or another 6th form […]

Thinking of Studying Law?

We spoke to Sophie, from Cambridgeshire while she was studying her Law Degree at the University of Oxford about her future plans […]

Think you’re an Entrepreneur?

“These days, the number of people who are working as entrepreneurs has increased so much that this career path almost […]

Your Dream Factory- from Dreaming to up and Running!

Your Dream Factory- from Dreaming to up and Running! By Youth Ambassador Shwetel, Start-up, Entrepreneur, and Enterprise are words that […]

Making Childhood Fantasies a Reality!

Making Childhood Fantasies a Reality! By Youth Ambassador Shewtel “All grown-ups were once children –though few of them remember it.” […]

Interview Tips For Beginners

Stand tall, sit still:  A successful interview isn’t only about what you say; your body language speaks volumes too. Slumping […]

Education in the News

Education in the News – February 2nd  By Wendy Morrisey Record numbers of applicants for university places were reported this […]

Keeping It Equal for National Careers Week

Keeping It Equal for National Careers Week Finding the right career path can be tough. There are so many options […]

The future is still a worrying landscape

We all celebrated a little with the news that the economy was showing signs of recovery; an upturn would begin […]