Social Jam – UK Youth Voice conference 2014

By YEUK Ambassador  UK Youth Voice held their annual conference in the beautiful Avon Tyrrell this month. My fellow Ambassadors […]

#YouthFriendlyMP Event, what a success!

I just wanted to share with you how successful our parliamentary event was on Wednesday. We had a great day […]

The song of Youth Employment UK

Ahhh we just had a moment in the office reminiscing about the 12121212 campaign. This is where we got some […]

Europeans in Salamanca

By Jack  What can be understood from popular, and perhaps somewhat loose terminology, of ‘active citizenship’, when in many local […]

Apprenticeship Funding Reforms: A step in the wrong direction?

Apprenticeship Funding Reforms: A Step In The Wrong Direction? A view from a young person, Alex Knight a Youth Ambassador With […]

Juned meets BlastBeat’s young people

Hello everyone, my name is Juned and I’m an ambassador for YEUK. During a blitz of a start to the […]

A fall in overall unemployment masks poor progress at improving Youth Unemployment

On the surface, the Unemployment figures released this week look positive, as it has fallen to a five-year low. The […]

Top 5 tips on getting into marketing!

Five top tips on getting into marketing! Market research has shown that there is a shortage in skilled workers in […]

YEUK’s Top Ten tips for getting in to IT

YEUK’s Top Ten tips for getting in to  IT By Jordan Davison Last year, more than 1.5m people were working […]

Changing the rules of the game: Video Cover Letters.

By YEUK Youth Ambassador Baiba With the technological age ruling, many employers are looking to recruit and hire those who […]

Dreaming of starting your own Business?

Go from Dreaming to up and Running! By Youth Ambassador Shwetal   Start-up, Entrepreneur, and Enterprise are words that are […]

Filling out a job specification tips

Filling out a job specification tips Here a few tips on what you need to do when you fill out […]