Labour Market Outlook

April: Latest Employment Figures

The latest ONS data shows the employment rate at 74.6%, matching last months record highs. The data available cover the period […]

appg pathways education employment

Pathways from Education to Employment – APPG Series 2 Report

From Education to Employment As the secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Youth Employment we are delighted to […]

APPG for Youth Employment – Series 3

Barriers young people furthest from the labour market face The All-Party Parliamentary Group will begin its third series inquiry into […]

Apprenticeship policies

Will apprenticeship policies fill skills gaps, raise quality or improve social mobility?

With the Apprenticeship Levy introduced this month the sub-committee on Education, Skills and the Economy have released a report highlighting […]

Youth unemployment data

March : Latest Youth Unemployment Figures

UK Labour Market 2017 The latest ONS data shows that employment continues to run at a record high rate of […]

Career Choices : Digital

Career Choices Working with Labour Market Data specialists Emsi we have pulled together data on Digital career choices. You can […]

expression of interest

Expression of Interest: Youth Friendly Employment Framework

We launched our Youth Friendly Employment framework in February 2017, we are now looking for Regional Delivery Partners to support […]

Transport and logistics

Career Choices : Transport and Logistics

Career Choices Working with Labour Market Data specialists Emsi we have pulled together data on Transport and Logistics as a […]

SFA March Update

SFA Business Update – Issue 21 March

SFA Business Update March The Skills funding agency have released their latest monthly round-up covering business rates,  minimum wage rates […]

health and science

Career Choices: Health and Science

Career Choices Working with Labour Market Data specialists Emsi we have pulled together data on Health and Science as a […]

Career Choices Childcare and education

Career Choices: Childcare and Education

Career Choices Working with Labour Market Data specialists Emsi we have pulled together data on Childcare and Education as a […]

A Campaign for Careers

A campaign for careers

#CareersCampaign A campaign for careers: young people within our networks tell us: They want to know about the world of […]