What Youth Work means to Me : Alesha Patel

We asked our wonderful Youth Engagement and Ambassador Coordinator Alesha what she loves about youth work and what youth work […]

Lessons from lockdown : what we should remember this time round

What have we learnt from the last lockdown to help us this time round? As of Thursday England went into […]

Self employed and worried about where you stand with the new lockdown?

Rishi Sunak has announced that those who are self employed will be able to claim more support during this lock […]

Ten Year Vision for Youth Work 2020-2030

As the National Body for Youth Work in England, the NYA has this week launched its thoughts for a ten year vision for youth work.  […]

What does this new lockdown mean for me?

The Government last night announced their plans for a second lockdown in England, find out what it might mean for […]

How the economic crisis is hitting young people the hardest

I was recently invited to talk to CNBC about the impact the coronavirus is having on youth employment, you can […]

Girls’ Attitudes Survey: Girlguiding

Girlguiding have released their annual Girl’s Attitudes Survey, the research spans the initial phases of lockdown and provide interesting results.  […]

Young Minds UK : Resources

Young Minds UK have a number of services available to young people, find out more about them here.  Crisis Messenger […]

Mental Health of Children and Young People in the Pandemic

New research shows the impact on young people’s mental health and wellbeing in lockdown, the data and insight discussed covers […]

STEM higher education outcomes : Black students are missing out

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and the Royal Society have published a report looking into the outcomes of Black […]

New Research has found the pandemic is dampening young people’s aspirations

Losing hope: young people are abandoning their aspirations as the pandemic continues to impact their wellbeing. The Princes Trust have […]

Labour Market Statistics October 2020

The ONS have released the latest Labour Market Overview covering the months June – August, there is additional data that […]