Free careers magazine for your mobile!

The October edition of the brilliant Plotr Careers Magazine is out now! This is a great magazine that is packed […]

Employers’ Experience of Higher Apprenticeships: Benefits and Barriers

Ruth Mieschbuehler, Tristram Hooley and Siobhan Neary of the University of Derby have published a report on higher Apprenticeships, entitled: […]

Launch of the Careers and Enterprise Company

Yesterday, I attended the launch of The Careers and Enterprise Company. The event was packed to the rafters with colleagues […]

All-Party Parliamentary Group Update

Yesterday, the APPG for Youth Employment (of which Youth Employment UK is the Secretariat) met in Westminster. MPs and Members […]

Benefit Boot Camps

Today the Government has announced its plans to put further sanctions around young people who are unemployed. Our Youth Ambassadors […]

My journey to being the CEO of YEUK

Every bit of work experience got me where I am today, along with the grit and determination to get on. It […]

Meet YEUK’s newest Member Skillbright

What I did about Youth Employment & Why by Egle Vinauskaite, 26 from London I graduated in 2011, which was […]

At the IntoWork Convention 2015

By Jack Welch Youth Ambassador It would be an almost impossible task itself to try and encapsulate two entire days […]

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Filming at OCR

Success, Stagnation, Silence: We Need Work Programmes that Work

By Youth Ambassador Kenechi Eziefula Delivered by a range of private, public and voluntary organisations, the government’s Work Programme was […]

Youth Employment UK Becomes The Secretariat For The All-Party Parliamentary Group For Youth Employment

Press Release For immediate release Chloe Smith, Member of Parliament for Norwich North, has established the new All-Party Parliament Group […]

YEUK Youth Voice – Response to the Budget 2015

By Youth Ambassador Jack Welch As the dust settles from Chancellor George Osborne’s first Budget for the highest majority Conservative […]