Rt Hon Anne Milton MP supports the work of Youth Employment UK

During these busy times at Westminster, we are grateful to the Rt Hon Anne Milton MP, Minister of State for […]

The Role Of The Family In Social Mobility – APPG For Youth Employment Report

Today the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Youth Employment presented the draft report on The Role of The Family In […]

A place to grow – Exploring the future health of young people in five sites across the UK

A place to grow is the second report in the Health Foundation’s Young People’s Future Health Inquiry and is the result of engagement […]

Vodafone and Sony team-up to support youth employment

We were delighted to be invited by Vodafone to attend the special screening of the new Spider-Man movie. At the […]

what makes work experience work

What makes Work Experience Work?

We have been working with our Youth Ambassadors to explore the question – What makes Work Experience Work? Work experience […]

Could you be a cyber security expert?

Are you a student in the UK aged 14-18? If so, you could take up a fantastic opportunity with the […]

Skills Shortage Bulletin : 3

‘Outstanding’ ratings by education watchdog Ofsted should only be given to schools that can demonstrate excellence in creative and technical […]

How much are degrees worth?

The Department of Education have released analysis of the value of degrees, comparing higher education students and graduates’ earnings with […]

More must be done to support Level 2 learners

Speaking at the AoC conference today Amanda Speilman explained how colleges must work more effectively with local employers to help unlock […]

State of the nation: Careers and enterprise provision in England’s secondary schools and colleges

The Careers and Enterprise Company have launched their State of the Nation report, this report looks at careers provision in England’s […]

civil service roundtable youth employment

Civil Service Roundtable: Identifying Youth Employment Issues and What Works

On the 13th November 2018 Youth Employment UK hosted a roundtable with civil servants from across government to talk about […]

November Latest Labour Market Stats

The latest ONS data shows the employment rate at was 75.5%, little changed compared with April to June 2018 but […]