Do young people currently have the building blocks for a healthy future?

In October 2019, the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) released the “Young People’s Future Health Inquiry: The quality of work […]

Why it’s important for young people to vote in the next general election

Thousands of new British citizens and 18-year-olds will vote for the first time on 12 December, meaning they can play […]

Youth Employment UK appointed McDonald’s Youth Opportunity partner

We are thrilled to announce that McDonald’s has chosen Youth Employment UK to be their UK partner to support their […]

NEET Statistics

Long Term NEETs – The Latest Impetus Research Briefing 

As part of their ongoing  Youth Jobs Gap series, Impetus has released a sixth report exploring the  long-term NEET population.   […]

Youth Employment UK welcomes Department of Health and Social Care

We are delighted to welcome the Department of Health and Social Care as our newest Youth Friendly Employer you can […]

Supporting the Construction Sector to become Youth Friendly

Youth Employment UK’s CEO Laura-Jane Rawlings was interviewed by the TRIBE Network on youth friendly employment practice and how the […]

UK labour market statistics

Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) – UK ONS stats for August 2019

The latest NEET statistics from the ONS (Office for National Statistics) reveal that the UK NEET rate has not improved […]

Youth Friendly Employer OneAIM shortlisted 2019 in-Cumbria Business Awards

Youth Friendly Employer OneAIM are finalists in the category of Best Community Contribution for the in-Cumbria Business Awards. The final […]

skills shortages UK economy Twitter

Skills Shortages in the UK Economy – Edge Foundation Report

Today sees a new bulletin from The Edge Foundation on skills shortages in the UK economy. The report has gathered […]

Latest Impetus research briefing: The Employment Gap in the West Midlands

Latest Impetus findings on the employment gap in the West Midlands reveal that NEET and employment issues in the area […]

T-Level Update

The Department for Education have shared with us this update on T-Levels for our networks. T-level updates: The Institute for […]

graduate celebrate

Apprenticeship starts still below potential

Universities UK have recently published a survey of almost 1000 school leavers, looking to understand the level of understanding young […]