Girls’ Attitudes Survey: Girlguiding

Girlguiding have released their annual Girl’s Attitudes Survey, the research spans the initial phases of lockdown and provide interesting results.  […]

Young Minds UK : Resources

Young Minds UK have a number of services available to young people, find out more about them here.  Crisis Messenger […]

Mental Health of Children and Young People in the Pandemic

New research shows the impact on young people’s mental health and wellbeing in lockdown, the data and insight discussed covers […]

STEM higher education outcomes : Black students are missing out

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and the Royal Society have published a report looking into the outcomes of Black […]

New Research has found the pandemic is dampening young people’s aspirations

Losing hope: young people are abandoning their aspirations as the pandemic continues to impact their wellbeing. The Princes Trust have […]

Labour Market Statistics October 2020

The ONS have released the latest Labour Market Overview covering the months June – August, there is additional data that […]

Building a Youth Friendly West Midlands : Press release

Young people, whose job prospects have been hit hard by the Covid 19 pandemic, are to be guaranteed training and […]

Job Support Scheme Expansion

The Job Support Scheme will be expanded to protect jobs and support businesses required to close their doors as a […]

The Local Government Association calls for more local involvement in Youth Policy

The Local Government Association has produced research focussed on giving local context to national youth education, employment and training strategy, […]

Government announce Job Entry Targeted Support

The Government has launched it’s ‘Job Entry: Targeted Support’ (JETS) Scheme; a £238 million investment that seeks to support those […]

Youth Employment Group Recommendations

Read the final recommendations of the Youth Employment Group on supporting young people whose employment has been impacted by the […]

Young people are still fairing worse than other groups: Labour Market Stats September 2020

The ONS have released the latest Labour Market Overview covering the months May – July, there is additional data that […]