National Education Consultation Report 2021

The Foundation for Education Development (FED) launched the FED National Consultation Report, you can download the full report here. During […]

Everyday Leadership: Dividing Up Tasks in a Fair Way

Leadership is an incredibly important skill in the workplace, as well as in many educational and voluntary situations. Leadership skills […]

How to Prepare for a Traineeship Interview

A traineeship is one of the routes you can take into a desired career or profession. It is a type […]

Mapping Young London

80% of young people face Mental Health issues as Covid-19 significantly impacts Housing, and Employment Partnership for Young London has […]

A day-in-the-life of an Optometry student – ABDO #CareersInEyecare

Experience a day-in-the-life of a Pre-reg Optometry Student as Charlotte walks you through her day. Being organised is essential as […]

Would you like to work in a hospital?- Careers in Eyecare

If you would like a medical career, there are many options open to you. Becoming a doctor or nurse are […]

Being Made Redundant: What Do You Need to Know?

We’ve heard a lot about redundancy in the last year. Thanks to the Covid-19 crisis, people have been made redundant […]

What is the Discipline and Grievance Procedure If You Have a Problem at Work?

Many of us will experience a problem at work at some point in our careers. Problems can range from small […]

What is a Trade Union and How Can Joining One Help You?

However long you’ve been in the workforce, you’ve probably heard about trade unions. But you might not know exactly what […]

Labour Market Statistics : April 2021

The ONS have released the latest Labour Market Overview covering the months December 2020 – February 2021, there is additional […]

Free qualifications to boost skills and jobs

As part of the Prime Minister’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee, if you are 19 or over you can now access a course […]

Covid-19 : the uneven impact on Youth Unemployment

The Resolution Foundation has produced a briefing note looking into the impact of Covid-19 on the youth labour market. The […]