Low productivity and career guidance

A review by a Youth Ambassador, Michael Tran  Amidst the recent concerns over the UK level of productivity, the British […]

The British Youth Council is recruiting charity trustees

The British Youth Council is recruiting charity trustees – please circulate. The British Youth Council (BYC) is looking for people […]

YEUK calls on the Conservative government to work for young people in the UK

Youth unemployment now needs to be a priority YEUK calls on the Conservative government to work for young people in […]

University of Derby research on Higher Apprentices

With more employers developing higher apprenticeship programmes as a viable alternative to university, the International Centre for Guidance Studies at […]

Riches or happiness? Ask the parents…

As a young person, I would like a job that satisfies me and makes me happy. I’m sure many other […]

APPG Youth Affairs – Conservatives

APPG Youth Affairs – Conservatives – 17 February 2015 By Youth Ambassador Jack  It was just a matter of days […]

What can the UK learn from the German apprenticeship system?

What can the UK learn from the German apprenticeship system?   With most of Europe in stagnation, the financial sector […]

#Emilymatters: A Voting Revolution

#Emilymatters: A Voting Revolution By Youth Ambassador Jack  Like any campaign, its inspiration must have its roots. The #Emilymatters cause, founded by actor/writer […]

YEUK_Youth Friendly Badge

Work Experience, how was it for you?

Work experience By Alex Knight, YEUK Youth Ambassador. Work experience is believed to act as a barrier to employment in […]

#YouthFriendlyMP Event, what a success!

I just wanted to share with you how successful our parliamentary event was on Wednesday. We had a great day […]

Apprenticeship Funding Reforms: A step in the wrong direction?

Apprenticeship Funding Reforms: A Step In The Wrong Direction? A view from a young person, Alex Knight a Youth Ambassador With […]

#YouthFriendlyMP Campaign 2014

#YouthFriendlyMP Campaign 2014 MP’s Should lead the way on Youth Friendly behaviour We believe that all MP’s should be championing […]