Are 3 million young people ready for 3 million apprenticeships?

The government has set a very ambitious target of creating 3 million apprenticeships during the life of this parliament. At […]

A generation of unease

Jack rounds up the week at the Conservative annual conference in Manchester

Protection of the Lowest Paid? With the Conservative annual conference in Manchester now at an official close, it is an […]

Open letter to Matthew Hancock MP following his comments regarding young people’s productivity and pay

An open letter to Matthew Hancock MP At Youth Employment UK, we were deeply disappointed to hear the comments from […]

“Young people are not as productive on average” so don’t deserve pay rise #WorthMore

We are  disappointed by Tory Minister Matthew Hancock’s comments about the reasons the Living Wage is available to only those people […]

Autonomy – Liberation for the Young Generation

Zishi Zhang ‘It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair’ Dickens created the most memorable phenomenon […]

Solutions to a European Crisis

By Jack  After over a year since my exchange trip to Salamanca, where I previously wrote about my experiences for […]

Benefit Boot Camps

Today the Government has announced its plans to put further sanctions around young people who are unemployed. Our Youth Ambassadors […]

Leading businesses and thousands of young people back Government Work Experience drive

‘WE can’ campaign will be run with the help of young people so they are ‘job-ready’ for 14m jobs of […]

YEUK supports the call to legalise the term “apprenticeship”

I was delighted to read that the government are holding a consultation on the misuse of the term “apprenticeship”.  The […]

#iwill Report Press Release 14th July 2015

Employers missing out on talented individuals by failing to consider voluntary experience when they recruit Less than one fifth (16%) […]

Aelp Conference 2015

On Monday 22nd June and Tuesday 23rd June Youth Employment UK attended the Aelp Conference 2015 with some of our […]

Are today’s teenagers really feckless?

Often when we talk about youth unemployment and the young people it affects many people conjure up a stereotype of […]