Youth Employment UK leads Open Letter to Boris: “Kick start the economy by investing in jobs and people”

Youth Employment UK along with over 200 organisations across the UK, has signed an open letter to the Prime Minister, […]

Skills Shortage in the UK

A new report by the Edge Foundation published today states  “the fourth industrial revolution is changing the skills required within […]

COVID-19 and Post-16 Education Planning for a very different September

I was delighted to be invited to join an online round-table this week to discuss the challenges ahead with Post-16 […]

Lockdown is increasing anxiety for young people, but there is hope

The Prince’s Trust have published their latest report, young people in lockdown. The report explores the views of 1,022 16-25 […]

Covid-19 is set to widen the Disadvantage Gap

The Covid-19 crisis, and the subsequent lockdown,  has impacted every age group. From the youngest, with nursery and school closures, […]

We’re all in this together… unless you’re low-paid, a woman, or aged 16-24

Does the pandemic affect everyone equally? A report from the Resolution Foundation highlights that young people, women and low-paid workers […]

CEO Webinar – Covid-19 and Youth Employment

You can now listen to the webinar lead by Laura-Jane Rawlings and Ambassador Patrick Cantellow on the impact of Covid-19 […]

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Laura-Jane Rawlings: My interview with UCB Media on youth unemployment and our work

Our CEO Laura-Jane Rawlings discusses youth employment challenges in the face of COVID-19, including gender gaps highlighted in international research, […]

Getting Back to Work – how we get the UK back to work in a world post Covid-19

The Institute of Employment Studies has launched the Getting Back to Work report which focuses on the economic impact of […]

5 Government actions required to protect youth employment in the face of coronavirus

As coronavirus changes the jobs landscape, young people are one of the groups suffering the most. We also know that […]

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Young people are being rejected for mental health treatment

The Education Policy Institute (EPI) says that more than a quarter of young people referred for treatment to mental health […]

The decline of the Saturday job means young people are losing out – again.

A Resolution Foundation report indicates that the Saturday job is in decline. What does this mean for young people – […]