Youth Ambassador Board : Strategy Day Reflections

At the end of September, the Youth Employment UK staff team got together with the Executive Board and the Youth […]

7 Mental Health Awareness Tips – Youth Voice – World Mental Health Day

Whilst it is important to always be looking after your mental health, World Mental Health Day is also a chance […]

The importance of volunteering

Hello! I’m Euan, a Level 6 Chartered Business Management Degree Apprentice. I also volunteer for many organisations and charities, including […]

How To Save Money At University And Stretch Your Student Loan

See how to save money at university and make your student loan go further. These money saving student tips are […]

Self Care Tips And Ways To Be Kind To Yourself – Youth Voice

Volunteer Youth Ambassador Harvey shares his top 5 self care tips for being kind to yourself when you’re feeling more […]

Functional Skills : My Experience

Youth Employment UK Youth Ambassador Ben shares his views and experiences of Functional Skills. During 2008 whilst I was at […]

Volunteer Youth Ambassador Priscilla: “Young people need to be given a chance”

Volunteering with Youth Employment UK is great for your confidence, youth empowerment and your CV! Meet our Youth Ambassador Priscilla. […]

Volunteer Youth Ambassador Ciara: “The people in charge need to learn how to listen to young people”

Volunteering with Youth Employment UK is great for your confidence, youth empowerment and your CV! Meet our Youth Ambassador Ciara […]

Finding Employment & Training : Youth Voice Forum

The Youth Voice Forum held its third meeting on Tuesday 13th April to explore how young people navigate finding employment […]

Postgraduate study in a pandemic

Youth Ambassador Shanique shares her thoughts and reasoning on deciding between job hunting and doing a masters in a pandemic.  […]

Youth Ambassadors Opinions: Reviewing Post-16 qualifications at Level 3

The Department for Education (DfE) is holding a consultation to review post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England. […]

The effects of the third lockdown on local youth groups

During the coronavirus pandemic, many youth groups had to transition from youth centres to online groups. In some cases, the […]