Leeds first stop for specialist careers event

It is predicted that over 60% of jobs in the next 10 years will require skills in STEM (Science, Technology, […]

linkedin career advice

How and why you should be using LinkedIn

What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a business orientated social networking site – “Facebook for grownups” is a commonly used description. […]

The Implications of Increasing Tuition Fees

The implications of increasing tuition fees: The Growing Gender Gap By YEUK Youth Ambassador: Indy In 2012, the coalition government […]


Why 22 is a good age to think about your pension – yes, really!

You’ve got the job you’ve been looking for. Is now the right time to start thinking about pensions? Here’s what […]

Employment Woes for Young People

Employment woes for young people are reflected in the latest ONS Labour Market statistics, By YEUK Youth Ambassador Jack Today 21/01/2015 […]

A YEUK Youth Ambassadors view of #CareersEd

Changing the game on #CareersEd By YEUK Youth Ambassador Jack: It has been a rocky period for the government in […]

YEUK_Youth Friendly Badge

YEUK welcomes Go Think big a ‘Youth Friendly’ work experience for young people

Youth Employment UK welcomes Go Think big, a ‘Youth Friendly’ organisation that offers careers advice and brilliant Work experience opportunities! […]

YEUK_Youth Friendly Badge

Work Experience, how was it for you?

Work experience By Alex Knight, YEUK Youth Ambassador. Work experience is believed to act as a barrier to employment in […]

Where did you go for work experience?

YEUK Ambassador Alex Knight, London We all remember work experience, walking into form as a year 10 or 11 asking […]

Where did you spend your work experience?

YEUK Ambassador Alex Knight, London We all remember work experience, walking into form as a year 10 or 11 asking […]

Exams and your future!

Name:  Shanon Pattenden (17) Two years ago, my overly studious nature had paid off by being reflected in my GCSE […]

Social Jam – UK Youth Voice conference 2014

By YEUK Ambassador  UK Youth Voice held their annual conference in the beautiful Avon Tyrrell this month. My fellow Ambassadors […]