Careers In Sport Live: #CreateYourFuture

Sport is an ever-growing industry, full of career opportunities and exciting roles. Find out more about the events with Careers in Sport and register.

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About the opportunity

Behind every sport and sporting event is an entire support industry comprising professions as diverse as coaches, journalists, photographers, physiotherapists, match officials, nutritionists, therapists, marketers and administrators.

Careers in Sport events provide students with the opportunity to see first-hand the diverse roles and responsibilities working within a professional sports club. Events are hosted at professional sports clubs and act as a case study for highlighting the professions in sports business, coaching, media and science.

The Careers in Sport one day workshops allow students (aged 14 to 19 years old) to see how a professional club operates and how the various departments work together to achieve success both on and off the pitch. Students also have the opportunity to participate in interactive activities and see first-hand the roles and responsibilities in running a sports club.

How to register

If you’re interested in joining one of these events, click the button below to register and #CreateYourFuture.

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