Careers Guides and Job Descriptions

Looking for early career ideas – and how to get into jobs you might enjoy?

There’s always more than one ‘dream job’ that’s right for you. There’s more than one way to get into that job, too! Know your options and see what you could do. We work with top youth-friendly employers to help you explore careers and opportunities that match your interests.

Explore Our Career Guides Below

Click on any sector below to see hot careers in that business area.

These career ideas are perfect if you’re just starting out. Get a taste of what each career involves, how to get into it whatever your level and experience, and how to explore other career ideas you might enjoy. Get informed, stay flexible in life and know your options!

Our career guides help you understand:

  • What skills and qualifications will help you?
  • How to build skills & experience from school onwards?
  • How can you impress employers when applying?
  • How can you get into the job via traineeships, apprenticeships, early careers, college or uni?
  • How can you find out more with UK job trends?

Youth friendly employers

These employers can offer you work experience, placements, traineeships, apprenticeships, first jobs and graduate positions!

Early career opportunities - find jobs, training and experience

Youth Friendly Employers go the extra mile for you

Career Quiz

Take the career quiz to find jobs that match your interests.

There’s no such thing as just one dream career. There are all kinds of jobs you might enjoy.
This career quiz will help you get a feel for ideas you might not have thought about!

Start building your employability skills TODAY

Build these 5 top life and work skills at any time as a Young Professional. It’s never too early or late to begin your journey. Know your skills and strengths!

Getting career confident – your next steps

From school onwards, take a step to build your skills and career confidence with our free training.

Free Online Courses

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Free Young Professional Training

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Careers Advice for YOU

Are you looking for advice that could help you get a job? You’ll find lots of honest advice and how-tos on Youth Employment UK. We have advice and opinion from professionals, but also from our huge community of Youth Ambassadors and Young Professionals. They know what it’s like to be young, unemployed and 100% ready to be given a chance!

Careers Advice

Get Help With Finding A Job

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