Early Careers Opportunity Finder

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Early career opportunities - find jobs, training and experience

Youth Friendly Employers go the extra mile for you

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Create Your Future

#CreateYourFuture: Your opportunity to earn, learn and grow

Aged 14+? Created in partnership with The Careers & Enterprise Company, Create Your Future is a campaign that puts YOU first.

Try out a wide mix of opportunities – and build confidence when it comes to skills, careers and training/education. Dive into content, support and next steps matching your needs and interests:

  • Know your power
  • Get ahead of the game
  • Explore life’s choices and find opportunities that fit!

What you’ll be doing: You’ll take part in activities from Youth Employment UK’s online Young Professional programmes. You can also explore extra resources and opportunities to grow your knowledge and understanding.

Create Your Future

What do you get?

  • An understanding of your own needs
  • A clear understanding of paths you can take from now onwards
  • An understanding of where to get support when you need it
  • Support to build your skills for life and work
  • A virtual work experience opportunity
  • Support in choosing future careers
  • Support in building a CV
  • Support to connect with youth friendly opportunities to get ahead of the game

EMPLOYERS - CLICK HERE to host early career vacancies