Coronavirus Advice for Students and Young People

If you're feeling anxious because of the news or wondering what you should be doing right now, we're here to help.

Stay safe, stay home

Wash your hands

Stay calm, stay kind

Plan your time

We are a one-stop ideas shop when it comes to your education, work and future – even when you’re self-isolating at home. You can check out our Careers Hub, boost your skills for free with our online Young Professional skills training, or get help with your life choices.

General info for YOUNG PEOPLE

Coronavirus information for MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING

Coronavirus information for STUDENTS

Coronavirus information for YOUNG WORKERS & JOBSEEKERS

What is a Gantt Chart and how can it help me stay organised?

digital skills communicate online

7 Ways to communicate with digital skills

Ways to Job Search with Resilience in the Time of COVID

4 Ways to stay motivated when working from home

digital skills online safety

Digital Skills: How to Stay Safe Online

COVID-19 Info For Young People: Rapid Testing In Life, Study And Work

How to find work experience and work opportunities during the pandemic

Starting a new job in the pandemic as a young person – what I’ve learned

Self employed and worried about where you stand with the new lockdown?

What does this new lockdown mean for me?

Ways to Communicate Remotely with Potential Employers While Job Hunting

Government announce Job Entry Targeted Support

Scotland Launches Youth Guarantee

Claims for the second SEISS grant are now being received

Which jobs are easiest to get post-lockdown?

McDonald’s is re-opening. See how it is keeping its teams and customers safe

Virtually (im)possible: how to network online

Looking For Work In A Pandemic – A Young Person’s Perspective: Jess

Looking for work in a pandemic – A young person’s perspective: Alina

My thoughts on the financial impacts of lockdown for business and the economy

Princes Trust support for young people

“I Did An Online Job Interview And This Is How It Happened” – Q&A With Youth Ambassador Ciara

4 Ways to stay motivated when working from home

Coronavirus: What I learned from job hunting in a pandemic

How to deal with problems when you’re working from home and self-isolating

Being Furloughed : What does it all mean?

Arrow in wood

Apprentice Coronavirus FAQs

Getting benefit support if you become ill with the Coronavirus

One quick way to boost your focus: Stand and stretch

Online career resources and things to do

Time doesn't stand still just because you are at home for a while due to Coronavirus. You can go easy on yourself, and you don't have to do superheroic levels of study. But you can still do little things to help you make the most of opportunities when social distancing and self-isolation come to an end. Here are some examples.

Download Our Skills Booklet
Get free Skills Training
Volunteer Online

Coronavirus resources for students and young people

Youth Advice from Pearson
MIND: Mental health Support
NHS Info for Young People