person on laptop

Digital Skills Courses, Training and Help

See how to learn and improve the digital skills you need to get ahead.

Even if you don’t want a job working with AI or computers, you know how important your digital skills are. Every time you search online or check your phone, you’re using them. Here’s how you can improve those digital skills (or learn the basics) with free training, courses and self-learning.

How do I start learning digital skills?

When it comes to the basic digital skills – like using a laptop, computer or phone – check our list of the skills you need below. Every link takes you to information on how to get to grips with that skill by reading about it and using it in your daily life. You don’t always need special courses or training to pick up these skills. If you do want free training in basic digital skills, that’s fine! Our Youth Friendly Places (London, Somerset, West Midlands – who also offer Adult Education – and Darlington) point to lots of employers and places in your area offering FREE training, courses and workshops. They can help you pick up those basic digital skills and so much more. They can help you get jobs and paid training, too. The Google Digital Garage also has a bunch of courses to help you learn digital skills with free training. They also have webinars, which are online sessions designed to help you learn digital skills in less than an hour. Youth Friendly Places

How can I improve my digital skills?

There are lots of free online courses to help you improve your digital skills. Practice using technology for your job, studies, or personal interests. Offer to help manage the Facebook page or website for your volunteering or sports club. Use spreadsheets to track income and outgoings for your window cleaning business. Get to grips with video calls on different software (WhatsApp, Skype, Google Meet) when phoning clients, your boss or your nan. The BT Skills for Tomorrow programme has all kinds of free webinars and courses to help you boost your career prospects. They even have webinars on machine learning and learning to code!

What are essential digital skills qualifications?

You really don’t need qualifications for essential skills! Lots of free digital skills training offers you a certificate of completion, which can be good for your CV and is a confidence booster. Our careers hub shows digital job profiles that help you understand exactly what digital qualifications or experience would be useful in getting into any tech job. If you want to get into digital or tech careers, there is lots of free and paid training available – from bootcamps to apprenticeships – that will give you practical industry qualifications to get ahead. Look out for digital BTECs, T Levels and NVQs. You rarely need a digital degree. If you live in London, the London Digital Jobs and Skills Hub offers you free digital courses and training with qualifications. GOV.UK offers free qualifications for adults with low digital skills. Digital Job Profiles

Improve the Digital Skills You Need

London Digital Jobs and Skills Hub

London tech careers are in YOUR reach.

Get into well-paid digital jobs in London. No work experience or degree required!

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FREE Digital Courses and training

Local Courses, Training and Opportunities

Explore local opportunities to see what’s on offer near you. It could help you improve your digital skills or work readiness and general career confidence.

Digital Career FAQs & Insights

Digital Career Job Profiles

See ways to get the digital jobs you want, and what skills you need to get them. Each job profile features different routes into that job with tips for free training and work experience, as well as Youth Friendly Employers offering digital first jobs and training. You don’t need a degree to get ahead!

Enjoy Our FREE Young Professional Training & Online Courses

Build your career confidence, explore virtual work experience and MORE.

Young Professional Training

If you’re aged 14+ you can sign up to a FREE programme supporting your personal and professional confidence, with skills development and early career support and opportunities. FREE Online Skills Training

FREE Online Courses

Try out a wide range of FREE online careers confidence and work experience programmes. Explore your skills, strengths and next steps. Get certificates when you complete each course. FREE Online Courses
