identifying problems

Identifying and structuring problems

Some problems can seem obvious, they come and announce themselves with bells, whistles and screaming alarms! Often this very obvious […]

presentation skills

Presentation Skills : Communication

We can talk about presentation in two ways: 1. The way we present ourselves and our work, how this comes […]

How to balance studying and part-time work at college

See how to combine working and studying at college in ways that help you take care of your wellbeing too. […]


Initiative : Young Professional Challenge

Initiative forms part of your self management toolkit and is an important aspect of growing your young professional skills.  Initiative […]

Thriving at work : Stevenson/Farmer Review

Thriving at work, the Stevenson/Farmer review of mental health and employers was launched today. The prime minister set the task […]

Self belief resilience

Self belief – resilience

Self belief is all about building your inner confidence finding a way to feel ‘you’ve got this’ whatever comes your […]

Communication : Active Listening

Active listening is a key part of communication. Read this guide to learn about active listening and complete the quiz […]


Self Management Challenge 1: Organisation

As you know, the best part of signing up to the Young Professional is the continuous development and learning you […]


Self Belief : Challenge 1 Motivation

Self belief has a lot to do with confidence. The confidence you have in yourself, your skills and in taking […]

Team work : Challenge 1

You’ll remember from the Young Professional Quiz that team work is all about working with a group of people to […]

Problem solving Task 1

Problem Solving: Task 1

First up let’s recap some of the problem solving from your young professional test: You’ll remember that problem solving is […]

Supporting younger generations in the workplace – Mentoring

This article is written by Richard Daniel Curtis, CEO, The Mentoring School. “They’re just so lazy..” “They only do the jobs […]