Create Your Future Activity Week 5: Use Your Life Skills To Wow Your Future Boss

This Young Professional activity for Week 5 of the Create Your Future programme will help you think about to use […]

Create Your Future Activity Week 4: Find An Opportunity To Gain New Networks And Experience

This Young Professional activity for Week 4 of the Create Your Future programme will help you get connected through work […]

Create Your Future Activity Week 3: Boost ONE Life Skill Of Your Choice

This Young Professional activity for Week 3 of the Create Your Future programme will help you boost one of the […]

Create Your Future Activity Week 2: What are the different routes you can take next in life?

This Young Professional activity for Week 2 of the Create Your Future programme will help you understand the choices you […]

Create Your Future Activity Week 1: Focus On One Thing You Need To Get Ahead

This Young Professional activity for Week 1 of the Create Your Future programme will help you reflect on ways to […]

5 CV Keywords for Engineering Candidates in 2024

Your CV is often the first impression you make when looking for a new job. When it comes to engineering, […]

making dreams come true

Positive Attitude Exercise – List 3 Ways You’d Feel Good About Achieving A Goal

We spend so much time worrying about what failure looks like. Why not picture how success would make you feel […]

How to Get Into Lifelong Learning In Your Own Time

Lifelong learning can feel easier and more satisfying than any learning which you are forced to do. Here are some […]

What Are Your Options At 14? Tips On Choosing GCSEs Or Their Equivalents

Explore your study options around the age of 14 when you ar choosing your next subjects to take. Which core […]

What Are Your Choices At 16? A Levels, Vocational Qualifications Or Training?

Explore your study and training options aged 16+ when you finish GCSEs or their equivalents. What are your options at […]

Keep a Personal Achievements Diary for a Week: Self-Belief Exercise

Keep a personal achievements diary for a week and you’ll be surprised what you’ll discover about your strengths. Self-belief is […]

Guide to Traineeships

A traineeship is a quality work experience placement for 16-24 year olds. It helps you get experience, job skills and […]