REC Report

The Markit/REC Report on Jobs Summary – December

The Markit/REC Report on Jobs –published yesterday  – provides the most comprehensive guide to the UK labour market, drawing on […]

The Millennial Generation

There have been numerous studies, guides, TedTalks and memes into the who, what, how and why’s of millennial workers. With […]

Youth voice on apprenticeships

Institute of Apprenticeships – Draft Guidance

This week the Department for Education and Apprenticeships and Skills Minister Robert Halfon set out draft guidance on how the […]

Youth unemployment data

Explaining Employment, Unemployment and Inactivity Data

This video explores employment data and the three economic situations a person might find themselves in: employment, unemployment and inactivity. […]

have your say on Brexit

The “Brexit Watch” bureau – get involved!

If you are 35 or under and would like to know more about the Brexit process and have your voice and […]

Labour market LIVE: The latest labour market statistics

The full monthly briefing of labour market information has been made available from Learning and Work Institute. For the third […]

A generation of unease

The Disability Employment Conundrum

The quest to find stable and high-quality employment has almost certainly been one of the defining challenges that have set […]

Tips on writing a cover letter from an apprenticeship employer

We caught up with Jordan Nichols from DST (Formally IFDS Group) to get the inside track on what to put […]

Beware of Job Scams – What You Need To Know

The CV Library recently did some research into job scams which often affect young people. The stats are worrying, but […]

What Professionalism Means To Me

We spoke to writer Lauren Evans about her perceptions of the term ‘young professional’ and what it means to her. […]

first day new job

First Day In Your New Job? Pack For Success!

Your first job is a whole new world from where you’re coming from. Remember those first day at school butterflies […]

Millennials Are SO Entitled… To Work For Employers Who Understand That Employer-Employee Relationships Have Changed

This article was originally published on LinkedIn, and offers some advice for making your workplace more flexible and adaptive to […]