It’s #iWillPledge Day

As part of #VolunteersWeek, Share Your Pledge Day on June 5th is an opportunity for us to share our pledge […]

How iXplain apps bring companies to life for young people

The aim of the video presentation is to give employers ImpartIQ’s insights into the current careers eco system and entice […]

Youth Voice at the DfE

Some of our Youth Ambassadors were invited to share their voice at a Department for Education youth panel last week. […]

Vauxhall Wins Gold

Vauxhall Motors were delighted to receive an award earlier this month.  They were presented with the Talent Match Mark Gold […]

IFA outline content for first new T levels

The Institute for Apprenticeships have launched draft content for the first three T Levels Construction, Digital and Education and Childcare. […]

New support for young care leavers starting an apprenticeship

The information in this article is taken from please check back to website to see any up to date […]

Apprenticeship Funding in England From August 2018

This document sets out the policy for apprenticeship funding in England from August 2018. It updates the policy that has […]

The ‘always-on’ work culture

In a recent survey by CV-Library 72.4% of Brits admit to replying to work-related emails, or making work-related calls, in their […]

May: Latest Labour Market Stats

The latest ONS data shows the employment rate at 75.6%, higher than for a year earlier (74.8%) and the highest […]

Chase Terrace Technology College – An outstanding careers programme

Our CEO, Laura-Jane Rawlings shares her view on an outstanding careers programme. We often hear schools and colleges being criticised […]

Finding the right person for the job costs UK plc £1.7 billion

Delays and skills shortages are making recruiting staff with the right skills for the job so difficult, it is costing […]

ESFA Business update Issue 33 (May 2018)

This information is taken from the ESFA Business update, you can read the full update and sign up here. National […]