Support for Young People with Physical Disabilities in the UK

These organisations and schemes support young people with physical disabilities in the UK. Make sure you’re getting any extra support […]

7 Tips for Setting Realistic Aspirations About Your Dreams And Goals In Life

Having big dreams and goals is a wonderful thing. We all aspire to achieve something. These questions will help you […]

How to weigh up risks when making decisions

See exactly how think about risks when you make big or small decisions. You can weigh up how likely (and […]

Virtually (im)possible: how to network online

Networking for career opportunities is still possible, even when everything’s shifted online. Youth Ambassador Sophie shares her top virtual networking […]

Aiming High: How to get the most out of hobbies and interests but still keep your energy levels up

Aiming high is one of the skills we need in life – but you don’t want to burn out and […]

5 Ways to boost your creativity in work and life

Creativity is a skill and a way of thinking and doing that you can grow over time as a Young […]

5 Ways to boost your creativity in work and life

Creativity is a skill and a way of thinking and doing that you can grow over time as a Young […]

What is empathy and why is it important in your job?

Empathy forms part of your communication skills. It builds your understanding of how you understand and support others. Find out […]

social media hashtag

A Guide to Social Media for Jobseekers

Social media often gets a bad reputation when it comes to employment, but if you use it well it’s a […]

Problem Solving: If Boredom is Your Problem, Here are 6 Solutions

Problem solving is a skill for life and work you can pick up through our free online Young Professional training. […]

making dreams come true

Aiming High: Think about 3 ways in which achieving a goal would make you feel good

We often worry about what failure looks like when we could be aiming high. Picture how success would make you […]

Young Professional Skills and how they can help right now in times of COVID-19

We are currently in a situation which we have never faced before, there are a mixture of good and bad […]