Top 12 Teacher Resources for National Apprenticeship Week #NAW2022

In 2022, National Apprenticeship Week will be held from 7th-13th February. Discover our Top 12 resources for teachers to help […]

Help Students And Learners Celebrate National Skills Day with FREE Online Young Professional Training To Build Their Skills

National Skills Days is a chance to celebrate all things skills! The next National Skills Days event is 9th February […]

Celebrate National Skills Day with FREE Online Young Professional Training To Build Your Skills And Career Confidence

National Skills Days are a chance to celebrate all things skills! The next National Skills Days event is 9th February […]

How Youth Employment UK can boost your skills this National Skills Day – 9th February 2022

Get out your diaries! National Skills Day will be held on the 9th February 2022 during National Apprenticeship Week. National […]

How teachers can support young people on National Skills Day – 9th February 2022

Bookmark the date! National Skills Day will be held on the 9th February 2022 during National Apprenticeship Week. National Apprenticeship […]

Early Motorsport Careers Guide – Common Questions Answered By VHR Experts

Are you interested in entry level jobs in motorsport careers? This guide from youth-friendly motorsport engineering recruiter VHR tells you […]

How To Be Creative In The Workplace – And Tell Your Manager About A New Idea

Creativity in the workplace is about looking at things with fresh eyes. Here’s how to get creative in the workplace […]

A Parent’s Guide to Apprenticeships

If you’re a parent, guardian or carer, we’ll help you feel better informed about apprenticeships as a rewarding career pathway […]

Commonwealth Games Jobs – West Midlands

How to Organise Your Study Time with the Power Hour

Do you find yourself procrastinating and constantly saying you don’t have enough time? The Power Hour could be for you! […]

How to Organise Studying and Working with the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a widely used time management method that will help you get on top of your work […]

Explore Graduate Opportunities with Hanson UK #CreateYourFuture

Do you have the ambition to be a future leader? Then Hanson UK’s graduate trainee manager programmes could be for […]