The CareerSense Find Your Path NEETs Programme – HideOut

HideOut are pleased to share an exciting programme in partnership with NatWest, launching at the start of November 2021 and supporting aged 16-24s who are not in education, employment or training.

Find out more

This programme is 4 months long and young people will be supported throughout the programme by NatWest volunteers and experienced HideOut staff. There are a total of 10 places available in this programme for young people who are not in employment, education or training.

By taking part in CareerSense Find Your Path, young people can expect to:

  • Complete a series of interactive workshops designed to boost employability skills
  • Be supported by a peer-to-peer mentor from NatWest professionals to help reflect on development
  • Experience the world of work through an exciting, paid 4-week placement at NatWest

If you or others you know are interested and would like further information, please click here or contact HideOut on 0161 511 3777

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